Welcome to my blog - Catching Flights & Feels

Is this blog for you?

Well if you…

… ever wished a corporate flight attendant was your best friend who would spill all the bougiest tea about what life in the sky is really like…

… have been curious if dating in your thirties (okay, fine late thirties) is as big of a train wreck as social media makes it out to be…

… wanted to know if the fabulous, globetrotting life of serving champagne to celebrities in the clouds is as glamorous as it seems…

… ever had a moment where you’re like “wtf am I doing with my life and how does everyone else seem to have it figured out?”

Then, babe, don’t you worry your cute little head a moment longer. I got you.

Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe shed a tear or two as I (over)share my life as a corporate flight attendant and single woman in search of love and a good time.

Fasten your seatbelts and get ready to take off on this adventure with me.

Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

A Date So Horrible I Preferred to Spend a Saturday Night Alone

Being alone can be difficult, especially when the only thing keeping you company is lingering thoughts about your crush. What you need is a distraction. And not just any distraction. The remedy is to go out with another guy so you forget about your stupid crush. Great plan, right?

Wrong, so very wrong.

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

Why My Friends Blamed Me When a Guy Was a Creeper

Your friends should have your back, right? That’s what I thought.

After sharing a scary experience with a close friend, I was P.O.’d when she put the blame on me. But when another friend had the same reaction, I had to wonder if I played more of a role than I realized.

Read the blog to decide for yourself!

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

I Thought He Was the One That Got Away

After last week’s blog, many readers wondered, “Did she see Daniel again?”

I know how horrendous it feels to be left on read and how, with each passing minute without a response, you feel yourself sinking deeper into the abyss of rejection (or maybe that’s just me?).

I def didn’t want to leave you hanging like that!

Spoiler Alert: I did see Daniel again. Read the blog to get the full sotry

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

At Last Call, There Comes a Critical Decision: The Night I Should’ve Gone Home

We’re all familiar with the stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). After a break-up, you go through similar stages, but the names are a little different…

Hoe phase


Trust Issues

And last but not least, Don’t Care No Mo.

This blog transports you right into not just one but THREE of those phases. On a September evening, I was drunk, watchful, and full of longing. I found something that night but got more than I bargained for.

Read the blog to find out why I should’ve gone home.

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

Three Random Things Always in A Professional Traveler’s Suitcase (You’ll Never Guess Why)

Packing for a trip can be one of the most stressful things about travel. What you bring (or don’t) greatly impacts your travel experience!

Over the last couple of years, I’ve learned a lot about packing... usually the hard way. In this blog, I’m sharing the three things I absolutely must have with me whenever I travel. After this read, you might be inspired to change up your packing list.

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

Why I Will Never Accept a “Free” Upgrade to First-Class Ever Again

Meeting a handsome stranger at an airport followed by a whirlwind romance sounds like a plot of a rom-com. Real life isn’t often as idealistic and charming as the movies... at least that was my experience after catching the eye of a fellow traveler. Read the blog to get the whole story.

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

Three Simple Steps to Look and Feel Fabulous While Traveling

Keeping up with your health and fitness goals while traveling is impossible… or is it?!

I’m sharing the three things I do every time I travel to stay healthy while globe trotting. They’re so simple but so effective. Check out the blog so you can add these into your travel (or daily) routine!

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

How to Stay Safe While Exploring a Foreign City

I’m often a jet-legged woman walking alone in a foreign country whose language I don’t speak.

Sounds a little suss, right?

This is why I’ve developed a system to stay safe while solo exploring. Read part one of this two-blog series to pick up some pointers to stay safe while you travel.

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

The Hardest Part of a Flight Attendant’s Job You’ll Never See

Corporate flight attendants spend our days on luxurious jets traveling to fabulous locations with the uber-rich and famous. How could we possibly ever have a bad day at work?

You see there’s one thing that flight attendants have to do every time that can make or break the flight. It’s an invisible, unspoken requirement and it’s the hardest thing we do.

Read today’s blog to find out the most challenging part of our job.

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

My Favorite Thing About Corporate Aviation Summed up in One Pic

This is one of my favorite pictures ever. An odd choice for a fave pic given the giant thumb playing peek-a-boo in the frame. The picture isn’t great BUT the story behind it makes up for the crap lighting, the shit resolution, and the interfering digit. The story sums up my favorite things about corporate aviation

Read the blog to find out the story!

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

A Question All Single People Should Ask Themselves on Valentine's Day

Does Valentine’s Day make you feel all lovey-dovey? Or does it feel a little more like Single Awareness Day for you?

If you’re all in your feels today and not the good kind, today’s blog has a question for you! Your answer might make you feel better about buying your own flowers.

What’s the question? Read the blog to find out!

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Claire Fernan Claire Fernan

Three Things You Need to Be a Successful Private Flight Attendant

How did I go from a total industry newbie to landing a top-tier prestigious gig in less time than it takes for a human baby to gestate? In today’s blog, I break down the three things that supercharged the start of my private flight attendant career.

Do you have them? Read the blog to find out.

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